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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Peckinpah, Mamet & whiskey & leather? Oh my!

Excerpts from Russ Bickerstaff's Curtains, The Shepherd Express, February 13, 2013.

I don't ever specifically recall seeing any of Ircink's stuff before. For reasons I probably don't understand, the style reminds me of Sam Peckinpah, David Mamet, whiskey and well-worn leather.

The 6 short, dark plays that he's written will open Marc 21.

This is actually a huge relief for me personally. I was beginning to get concerned. Being a theatre critic, you kind of take what's give to you as the calender unfolds for a given year. I was worried that the only thing opening weekend after my birthday next month was going to be a tribute to Tony Bennett at Sunset Playhouse or the solitude of a nice, long bus ride out to Elm Grove, but I was really hoping something a bit more appealing to me as winter turned into spring this year.

Thankfully, Jeff Ircink is there to inadvertently help me out here....Looks like a really fun combo of shorts. Really looking forward to this one...".

Anytime someone remotely compares a writer to Sam Peckinpah, David Mamet, whiskey & leather, it's a compliment.

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