you'll laugh & you'll wince. everyone has a dark side. what's yours? order tickets from The Alchemist Theatre here.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Vamping on closing night of HASHTAG MAYHEM!

Closing night of HASHTAG MAYHEM! - 6 short, dark plays by Jeffrey James Ircink (me) - at The Alchemist Theatre in Bay View, WI. I decided to take a video into the audience before my curtain speech and see who's who - and to give people a taste of what they missed if they couldn't make the show.

When I "vamp", I sometimes say really dumb things, so....and I wish I had checked to see that my collar was sticking out of my jacket. gauche! ;)

Really, really happy with the 3-weekend run. Great crowds. 2 SOLD OUT shows. The cast, directors and crew were outstanding! What I envisioned in my head when I wrote these plays was what you saw on stage. A very proud moment for me - and everyone had a really good time putting the show on. Unless they all lied to me...

Closing Night of HASHTAG MAYHEM!

CONOR FRANCIS COMES HOME TO BALLYCULLEN. Left to right: Thom Cauley, Matt Roth, Greg Ryan, Kathy Landry & Jason Waszak (dir.)
TWISTED NICE MIRAGE. Top to bottom: Zoe Schwartz, Kyle Gallagher-Schmitz & Bo Johnson (dir.)
JESUS PUSHED A GROCERY CART. Mary K. Ryan (dir.) & Mike Loranger. (Randall T. Anderson had an early Sunday morning call and had to leave before we decided to do this.)

PASS THE SALT, PLEASE. Top to bottom: Jeffrey James Ircink (dir.), Greg Ryan & Brooke Maroldi

BILLY BALFOOR WANTS AN APOLOGY. Gretchen Mahkorn (dir.), Matt Roth & Mack Heath.

CHOKING THE CHOAD IN BEL AIR. Jeffrey James Ircink (dir.) & Bryan Damske. Special appearance by Ring Girl"!

There's Randall T. Anderson (JESUS PUSHED A GROCERY CART) behind the bar. Ohhhh...Randall!

Specialties: Joanna Kerner/music (aka Rocket Paloma) & Katelyn Berens/"Ring Girl"

Adrieane Themarykaylady giving Greg the once-over.

Cast & directors

Let them eat cake! Let US eat cake!